
jakob sohm portrait

dünne wände

graphic design and set photography for „dünne wände“ (thin walls), a short film about how city residents affect, annoy, anger each other — through their walls.

written and directed by niklas raab. read more about the film on hawarafilm.com
the poster was designed to look like a collage — a reference to the home improvement intro

read the project folder and admire the design here

read more about the project

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portraits of muco

when oli a.k.a. muco visited vienna, he asked me to take portraits of him to accompany his music. i happily obliged of course, and we went for a walk in the vienna prater. i wanted the pictures to reflect the dreamy mood of his work, which i hope comes across.

listen to his music here

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self portraits

self portraits over the years

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photos from wine hikes with friends.

read about the route at weinwandern.at/grinzing-nussdorf (german — read english translation)

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helping friends move into a shared flat.

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photos from a trip to italyrome, florence, livorno, ladispoli, rome.

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photos from a trip to italyrome, florence, livorno, ladispoli, rome.

businessman waiting for the train strike to end
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photos from a trip to italyrome, florence, livorno, ladispoli, rome.

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photos from a trip to italyrome, florence, livorno, ladispoli, rome.

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portraits for my brother paul

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