jakob sohm vienna — page 2 — page 2

poster for my 22nd birthday

poster for my twenty-second birthday

for my 22nd birthday, i decided to make a fun little poster to commemorate the occasion. for my birthday, i wished for everyone to make me a drawing or artwork, and the best three would win a poster.

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helping friends move into a shared flat.

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fashion photography for alix drakulic’s collection and diploma project „m-wut“, which adresses topics of youth, climate crisis and future.

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portraits for my brother paul

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observationen 03

observations in moving image, 2021-2022

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graphic design, poster photography and design, prop design, behind the scenes photography for „marija“, a short film about a tennis player struggling with the stress of her father, who is also her trainer.

written and directed by jonah wögerbauer. read more about the film on hawarafilm.com

prop poster for the film
film still with prop
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observationen 02

observations in moving image, 2020-2021

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observationen 01

observations in moving image, 2019-2021

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a collection of infrared photos, exhibited at lumina gallery, vienna

the images in this project show the infrared spectrum instead of the light visible to humans. this was achieved with a filter that only lets infrared light through and therefore looks black to humans. the filter cuts the light at a wavelength of 720 nanometres (hence the title ‘720nm’).

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würschtl (sausage)

wirtschaftskammer photo competition „kulturstadt wien“ winner


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