
jakob sohm poster


work from my employment as digital designer at the photographic equipment retailer lomography. in this time i created product identities, ad banners, social media posts and animations, illustrations and newsletters.

concept and design with hand animated school supplies for the seo optimized magazine section “lomo school”. this playful animation paired with strong, friendly graphic design was used for social media, advertisements and newsletters. see more from this project
accompanying visual system for the lomoapparat chiyoda, a special edition of the lomoapparat point and shoot camera. see more from this project
animated logo in superrealistic gold effect mimicking the packaging of lomography’s newest film, “lomochrome ’92”. see more from this project
animation for social media and ad banners
illustrations for a magazine article / newsletter about photos that look like they could be album covers. the design of the newsletters was an hommage to the music platform bandcamp. see more illustrations
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dünne wände

graphic design and set photography for „dünne wände“ (thin walls), a short film about how city residents affect, annoy, anger each other — through their walls.

written and directed by niklas raab. read more about the film on hawarafilm.com
the poster was designed to look like a collage — a reference to the home improvement intro

read the project folder and admire the design here

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poster for my 22nd birthday

poster for my twenty-second birthday

for my 22nd birthday, i decided to make a fun little poster to commemorate the occasion. for my birthday, i wished for everyone to make me a drawing or artwork, and the best three would win a poster.

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ein rädchen im system

graphic design, poster design, behind the scenes’ photography for „ein rädchen im system“ (a cog in the machine), a short film about a true story from the second world war.

written and directed by niklas raab. read more about the film on hawarafilm.com

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graphic design, poster photography and design, prop design, behind the scenes photography for „marija“, a short film about a tennis player struggling with the stress of her father, who is also her trainer.

written and directed by jonah wögerbauer. read more about the film on hawarafilm.com

prop poster for the film
film still with prop
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